Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Illustration Friday- "Slither

KOJIMA is a company that portrays itself as a fictional government (in their video games) that uses its power to slither into foreign affairs to get the maximum reward for minimal effort and to procure their state of being the most powerful government with the most powerful army in the world.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Illustration Friday- "Fearless"

I decided to do something a little more child friendly, since I sketched this on Mothers Day. So I came up with my little balloon flying friend here. To get the cool effect on it I put the grain effect on it so it didn't look so flat.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010


This is all the staples I could find in my dads work desk used to make it look like a mini city! I did this during the day I was sick (5/25) with no more than a really stuffy cold. So since I had the house to myself I figured I would do something fun, and I noticed that when you stood up the rows of staples, they looked like skyscrapers. So on my kitchen floor I set up all the staple rows and made a mini city! I saw some pictures on the interwebs that were like this so I did my own smaller version. But ya the ones on the internet are way more elaborate than mine but it is still cool. (The thing in the background is a cat toy...LOL) Ain't it cool =)

Collage of Stuff

This is my desktop background (the city) live traced and a group of circles and a group of +s just copy and pasted a lot to cover up my crappy background layering. The megaphone was just found on the internet to fill up some of the blank space. I think it turned out great!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

...Just a Doodle...

I did this during the hour and a half period of nothing that I had this morning. So I decided to doodle and came up with this. So, I thought I would share. Enjoy!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Illustration Friday- "AHEAD"

In stead of my usual Live Tracing, I thought I would mix it up with a little border shading and some rasterization (basically makes the colors into individual pixels to enhance color).

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Illustration Friday-"Rescue"

The original did not scan properly because of how light the outline of, pretty much all of the sketch was. That kind of explains why there is a lot of white space. There was supposed to be a sort of grid-like background and the word "rescue" was a sign that was dangling by one string.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Animal Planet-"Redesigned"

My favorites are the top two, and my most favorite of all three is the one on the top right.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Word Face Completed Before and after

Illustration Friday-"Subterranean"

This is a representation of a game about how a nuclear war with China has left a futuristic 1950's style America in a state of dismay. All United States citizens have to live in Vaults underground, to escape the radiation of the fading country.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Forza Motorsports logo

The logo for one of my all time favorite games, Forza Motorsports 3. Hand crafted and designed.
---All figures and titles belong to their perspective companies.---

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Illustartion Friday "Adrift"

TOP: The original sketch from my sketch book.
BOTTOM: The graphically edited version of the original sketch.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010